Why shouldn't you be allowed to drink at age 18, if you can do all the following?

If you can fight and die for your country. It is mandatory for all men at the age 18 to register with the draft board. Your also considered as an adult to live on your own. You can get car loans and house loans. You can also vote why not be able to have the say if you can have a drink or not.


This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Spring 2008 to allow students an opportunity to present valid arguments, generate feedback, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Should the drinking age be lowered to age 18?

This is where you will post the body of your argument

Please take our poll and leave your comments

Please take our poll and leave your response to our argument. We welcome both pro and con viewpoints.

Please note that any post with offensive language will be deleted.

Thank You